SCOTT HOCH - Motion Design & Illustration

Half Rez 8 Titles

Half Rez 8 Titles
Half Rez

I belong to a freelance animation collective in Detroit named Boxfort. My friend Billy Chitkin was approached by the committee members planning Half Rez in Chicago to see if he wanted to create some visual content for the event like bumpers or interstitial content. Being the swell guy that he is, he saw an opportunity and brought the entire office in on it to create a full title sequence for the event.

To make this manageable with all of our different styles and time schedules we decided to have each sequence directed by different people, those being Nick Parente, Julie Craft and Billy Chitkin respectively. Wes Slover, a good pal and audio genius, provided sound design to really push this to the next level.

Full credits:

Wesley Slover - Sound Design
Nick Parente - Creative Direction, Illustration, 2D Animation
Julie Craft - Creative Direction, 3D Design, Animation
Dave Holm - Creative Direction, Illustration, 2D Animation
Billy Chitkin - Creative Direction, 3D Design, 3D Animation
Scott Hoch - Cel Animation, Character Design, Concepting
Justin Lemmon - Illustration, Concepting, 2D Animation
Jake Williams - Illustration, 2D Animation
Anthony Maiuri - 3D Character Design
Michael Condon - Additional 3D Asset Creation


I was initially brought onto the project to help Nick brainstorm ideas for part of his sequence. He let me concept out some ideas for the middle part of the sequence where he has to get from the train station platform to his final destination. He then boarded out a tweaked version below my version which is pretty close to what you see in the final cut.


He also gave me free reign to doodle out tons of shapes and character ideas, some even made it into the final!

Animation Process

I was responsible for most of the cel animation throughout Nick’s sequence, here’s some BTS of my favorite bits!


I also got to design and animate all of these wonderful BG characters for this subway scene!