SCOTT HOCH - Motion Design & Illustration
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Youtube Creator Basics

 Youtube Creator Basics

(Animators Cut)

For the majority of 2021 I worked with the Youtube Viscom team on a series of videos for the Youtube Creators channel. The series is intended to be a roadmap for new creators for starting and monetizing their channels. Because there are creators from all across the world the Creator Basics series was fully animated so it would be easier to translate for different languages and therefore evergreen.

Producer: Kristine Quiroz
Creative Direction and Design: Lauren Valko
Design and Animation: Scott Hoch
Music: Audio Jungle
Translation: Ripplemakers Co

This was by far the largest project I’ve worked on to date. I was asked to animate the first 6 videos in the series which ranged from 2-5 minutes in length. This posed a great challenge when pacing the animation and obviously it would be nuts to post all of the videos here so I chose some of my favorite shots across all the videos and condensed them into 2 short videos as an animator’s cut. I only thought it fitting that I use the YouTube audio library for these sizzle reels. If you’re interested in watching the full cuts I’ve linked the Creator Basics playlist below.